LOVE PEOPLE Wants To Fight Obesity

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the nation’s leading agency working on the prevention and control of diseases, including obesity (yes, obesity is a disease), there has been a striking and frightening rise in obesity in the United States.

The CDC has put out in 2009-2010 that the number of adults suffering from obesity in the country is more than 35.7% or one-third of the adult population and approximately 17% or 12.5 million children and adolescents aged 2-19 years old.

Obesity must not be confounded with overweight. To determine if someone is either obese or overweight, the person’s Body Mass Index (BMI), a relationship between the person’s weight and his or her height, is to be calculated. This figure is important in that it gives indication on the person’s amount of body fat. For example, an adult with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, whereas one with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

The disease has some serious and costly implications on the health of the population. An obese individual is prone to or has a natural inclination to many conditions -such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes type 2 and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of death in the country.

Four years ago, precisely in 2008, the CDC confirmed that “medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion.” That being said, any smart approach to reducing health care costs in America must take into account the prevention of obesity through a system of health promotion to include healthy eating and exercise, which can be hugely impacted by socioeconomics.

In the spirit of keeping its members healthy, the discussion group Love People on Facebook is inviting everyone to take part in its 2nd Love People Power Walk at Prosper Park in Brooklyn, New York on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM sharp. Point of meeting:  corner of Ocean Ave and Parkside Ave (inside the McDonald’s). To register, inbox Star Point on Facebook.

Gabby Douglas: It’s About Talent, Not Hair

16-year-old Gabby Douglas

Think about what you were doing when you were 16 years old. Well, Gabby Douglas, the young African American woman who, along with her US gymnastics teammates, has dominated the Olympics, is only 16 years old.

At such a young age, she is on the verge of becoming the first African American woman ever to win the all-around gold medal in gymnastics.

When you think that great accomplishment of hers would have earned her the respect and recognition she deserves, some in the African American community, her own community I must add, are focusing on something as petty, meaningless and ludicrous as her HAIR.

Some of the tweets I read from some in the African American community about her hair are beyond appalling. Let me share with you some of the low jabs:

theSecretLifeof … [@BReeMonroe] tweeted: “Gabby Douglas, you made history w/ your impeccable talent & hideous hair.”

Young Skipper [@Sarocious] tweeted: “We, as a community, gotta fix Gabby Douglas’s hair.”

Brandy [@shestaken] tweeted: “Congrats to Gabby Douglas on her gold medal! I wish I could say the same.about that hair! Omg horrible!”

DeAnt [@wht_Idid_rollEM] tweeted: “lmfao Gabby Douglas shouldnt be the standout in those commercials she get her hair done.”

Obviously, here is someone who knows how to set her priorities straight with a high sense of discipline and dedication –already at such a young age. When these folks who are now disparagingly talking about her hair were probably spending hours in front of a mirror taking care of their hair, Gabby was spending these hours in the gym sweating getting herself in shape physically and mentally for the Olympics. Today, all these efforts pay off. She is giving the world something to talk and write about. Unfortunately, her critics are stuck talking about her hair. Petty people do, indeed, talk about petty things.

Congratulations, Gabby!!! You have made history. Please do not let what these low-lifers have to say about your hair affect your self-esteem. You have nothing but years of great accomplishments ahead of you. Keep working hard while these folks are spending their times talking and discussing about nothing but nonsense and pettiness.